Humanoid: Artificial Intelligence’s Genesis

Humanoid: Artificial Intelligence's Genesis
Humanoid: Artificial Intelligence's Genesis

Humanoid: Artificial Intelligence’s Genesis.

Do you know what is Humanoid and what its impact in our lives? 

On Mar 7, 2017, three manhole workers die in Bengaluru while cleaning the gutters of the city.

On Dec 31, 2016, eleven workers died in a coal mine collapse in Jharkhand.

Crimes against women going high in the country. Litter in space is covering Earth which can have serious implication on Earth’s Geo-Climatic conditions.All these scenarios and multiple others show us how difficult are these jobs for MORTAL HUMANS.

Humanoid: Artificial Intelligence's Genesis
Humanoid: Artificial Intelligence’s Genesis

Many big MNC’s working in this sector are Google, Rethink Robotics, Samsung Electronics, Shadow Robot Company, Cybedroid etc. Thus I put a strong case for Humanoid Machines having artificial intelligence power going to be the next big thing. Complexities and dynamics of most of the jobs are so high it can cost a human life.

Technology has made lives of humans simple from time immemorial be it the discovery of fire, the invention of the wheel, electricity or the light bulb. From the discovery of fire to Artificial Intelligence Humans have done remarkably well. As we now know existential human threats such as a meteor hitting and wiping Dinosaur race from the planet. It can happen to us too wiping our whole civilization.

Looking at the existential threats on our planets from external objects in Space. it is prime time to put our knowledge and money develop Humanoids who can easily search new planets which can sustain human life.

Wherever humans face hostile environment Humanoids can easily take over; be it manhole, coal mine, space station or different planets.

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