How Microsoft Excel has grown into a multiple platform app

How Microsoft Excel has grown into a multiple platform app

Today, Microsoft Excel is beneficial and often utilized both in and out of the world of business. This program is a useful tool that can do so much on many different platforms (Andriod, IOS, PC, Mac, etc.). Below are the various ways how users can use Excel on these platforms:

Using the Microsoft Excel app on IOS and Android

Microsoft Excel has a mobile spreadsheet application that allows its users to review, edit, and create documents on any mobile device. In this mobile app, users will be able to edit a document by pressing the Edit button at the very top of their screen. Additionally, what users will find most convenient about the app is that it provides more than one-way for formatting spreadsheets.
Four different formatting buttons:

  • Date
  • Currency
  • Percentage
  • Text

It is essential to mention that if you are more comfortable using Excel on a Mac or PC, it will take some time to learn how to use Excel on a mobile device or tablet. Due to working on a smaller screen, there are significant functional differences. For example, before copying and pasting a particular word, the user will have to double-tap it to highlight it.

Critical differences between Microsoft Excel on Mac and PC

Due to both platforms having two types of keyboards, one of the significant differences between PC and Mac is the keyboard shortcuts. If you are a PC user, you will quickly notice that specific shortcuts like “Page Up/Down” will not work on the Mac. Fortunately, for both users, you can find many keyboard shortcut lists available for both users online.

Pivot charts are a useful feature in Microsoft Excel that summarized, combine, and sort data among others into a database. This tool makes organizing data into rows and columns quite easy. Pivot charts have full technical support on the PC. However, it is not the same on the Mac. Users will find that a lot of Pivot charts’ core features lack on this platform. You could consider hiring an Excel specialist to provide help with pivot charts & databases if you need further assistance.

Syncing your Excel files on Mac, PC, mobile, and tablet


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