Facebook Mafia Wars: Gifting and Status Message

Facebook Mafia Wars: Gifting and Status Message

Facebook Mafia Wars allows players to collect and share their excess collected items. The original collections and vault have been enhanced with the addition of new items to collect and the ability to send and receive collected items from others.

This feature makes it interesting to see how many of the collections can be completed and vaulted. Once a collection is vaulted, the player received added points to certain aspects of their character, such as defense and attack attributes.

Facebook Mafia Wars Collectibles

The collections are located in many levels of game play. Zynga has added tips to which level to find the items but not which specific job yields the items. The collections that can now be found are:

  • Diamond Flush Collection – Poker cards 8 thru Ace in diamonds. Found on street thug job tier.
  • Heart Flush Collection: Poker cards 8 thru Ace in hearts. Found on associate job tier.
  • Sculptures Collection: Rat, sheep, rooster, monkey, tiger, snake and dragon sculptures. Found in soldier job tier.
  • Poker Chip Collection: White, brown, red, blue, green, purple, and gold poker chips. Found in soldier job tier.
  • Club Flush Collection: Poker cards 8 thru Ace in clubs. Found on soldier job tier.
  • Cigar Collection: Ebony, sky, rose, ivory, turquoise, gold and royal cigars. Found in Enforcer job tier.
  • Spade Flush Collection: Poker cards 8 thru Ace in spades. Found on enforcer job tier.
  • Rings Collection: Topaz, opal, amethyst, emerald, sapphire, ruby and diamond rings. Found in Hitman job tier.
  • Ties Collection: Solid, striped, checked, geometric, dot, paisley, and knitted tie. Found in hitman job tier.
  • Paintings Collection: Warhol, Cezanne, Matisse, Van Gogh, Dali, Monet, and Rembrandt paintings. Found in capo job tier.
  • Great Race Horses Collection: Mill Reef, Sea Bird, Arkle, Golden Miller, Ormonde, and Eclipse race horses. Found in consigliere job tier.
  • As each of these collections is completed they are vaulted for safekeeping. Multiple copies of items may be found before a collection is complete. Players can use these for exchanging with other players to help complete collections faster.

Players are creating Facebook pages and posting to web sites what items they have available to exchange and the items they need for their collection. Players then contact each other and exchange the items via the inventory page.

Gifting makes the game more challenging and allows people to converse more as they network to find the sculptures and other collections.

Facebook Mafia Wars: Status Message

Facebook Mafia Wars also allows players to grow their families with very little involvement. Player’s can automatically set their status message to invite others to join their family. The message includes a hyperlink that adds the player to the family with no other involvement and without being added as friend.

Players must choose to allow Mafia Wars to access their status message. This is a one-time step. The instructions can be found on the Top Mafia page. Once the set-up step is complete, players only have to click on the button when leaving Facebook to set their status message.

Facebook Mafia Wars Status Message Feature

This Facebook Mafia Wars status message feature is a bonus for players who want very large mafia families for added strength but prefer not to have thousands of friends listed that they don’ t know. Not having mafia family members listed as friends also means that wall posts and notifications are kept to only those people that are relevant. Players no longer have to know that Joe Blow in Canada is eating a doughnut. This aspect alone will make the status message a winner.

In addition to keeping the wall and notifications more streamlined, players no longer have to wait for the Mafia leader to get around to inviting them. Currently on 16 invites per day (this number seems to vary occasionally) can be sent out. This means it could take a while for a Mafia family leader to reach everyone’s name that wants to be invited.

Grow the Family with Invitation Postings on Any Website

In addition to the status message setting, Zynga has added the code to post invitations to join the mafia family on virtually any website that allows it. All players have to do is go to the Top Mafia page and scroll to the bottom to find the code. Copy and paste the code on blogs, forums, and any other site that appeals to game players. Players can find places that appeal to Mafia Wars players in Mafia Wars Game Play.

Facebook Mafia Wars has fast become one of the most popular online games on the Internet. Growing the family in the game adds strength that is needed to complete jobs, fights and other game play functions. In addition, it has become somewhat of a sport to see how many family members one can get to join their family.

The ways to add get people to join the family are various and creative, including:

  • Facebook pages with ‘add me’ postings
  • Mass email lists, as described in Grow Your Family
  • Status messages
  • Posting notifications around the Web
  • Posting ‘add me’ to forums and group discussions

Zynga, the creators of Mafia Wars has managed to keep the game fresh by adding and changing features on a fairly regular basis. Overall, there are constantly new and different things to strive for in the game. However, growing the family in faster and easier ways seems to win first prize in the competition arena.


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